
Collections of hymns and prayers in the Moravian Land Museum

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In 2016, six partly notated manuscripts from the collections of the Ethnographic Institute of the Moravian Museum have been digitised. The oldest of them is the Hymnal of Martin Bursík from 1736–1737 written in Kuželov (the Hodonín district); the others are of Czech and Moravian origin and come from the 19th century. In terms of content, these are collections of hymns and prayers for various occasions.


List of documents

Písničky pohřebníST 110; Moravské zemské muzeum; Brno; Česko
Litanie a písněST 2184; Moravské zemské muzeum; Brno; Česko
Modlitby, písně a litanieST 2193; Moravské zemské muzeum; Brno; Česko
Radostná cestaST 2272; Moravské zemské muzeum; Brno; Česko
Kancionál Martina BursíkaST 5; Moravské zemské muzeum; Brno; Česko
Písně a modlitbyST 6; Moravské zemské muzeum; Brno; Česko

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